MySQL trouble creating a new user

I had some problems with getting mysql and creating a new user. I expected to be prompted to enter credentials on installing mysql-server on the cli.

First started mysql:
sudo service mysql start

Then wanted to get into the mysql shell
sudo mysql -u $username -p

For the first time $username = root and password is system root password.

There was not password column in mysql.user table shown by:
desc mysql.user

So to check the present users I could not use:
SELECT user, host, password FROM mysql.user

To view the present users I had to use:
SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user 

From this piont on I could follow the below link to create a new user.

Appartently from mysql 5.7 onward the password field is replaced by authentication_field using the md5 encryption this encryption gives a false sense of security since it already has been cracked and can be decrypted with things like: 

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