
Showing posts from July, 2020

Summary: GOTO 2017 - Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin - The Scribe’s Oath

In ancient times reading and writing was considered a highly specialized skill. This skill was practiced by Scribes. This allowed laws to be passed on, stock to be kept of grain stores, planning to be done of crop rotation. Today programmers are the modern scribe. Almost all our important interactions happen through software that programmers have created.  Interacting with a television, microwaves, computers, phones et c . Scribes, as a profession, had an oath, a code of conduct and ethics as a group of professionals. We as programmers do not have these yet. Since 1946 the number of programmers has been rising, Bob says to around 100 million in 2017. And he poses that this doubles every 5 years. The facts say there are only 13 million, but growing with 20% each year . This means that there is a doubling in the amount of developers each 4 years. That also means that the craft of software development gets continuously di

Test Blogpost

This post is solely used to review scripts that should enhance the blog. Expected: below the code block a copy button is added. FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]